Friday, February 19, 2016

HSE21: A Best-Practice Framework

This week, we have one more Elevator Pitch.  This one is on the topic of HSE21.  When you are asked in the coming months about this topic, perhaps the following talking points will prove to be helpful.
All students deserve Rock Solid instruction!

From Phil: What is HSE21 and why should I support its implementation?
  • Best Practice Instruction: Education, like all professions, is evolving.  In Hamilton Southeastern Schools, we study the current educational research and make changes to our instruction.  HSE21 is a research-based best-practice model that provides our students the best opportunities to learn and grow. 
    Professions Evolve
    I had my eyes checked last week.
    The equipment didn't look like this!
  • Children are Not Products:  Each student is different and has unique needs.  School is NOT about sending students through an assembly line and plugging in parts.  Best-practice means knowing both the art and science of teaching and making adjustments to meet the needs of all students.  HSE21 takes the needs of the individual child into account and supports teachers as they make adjustments to instruction.
  • Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: All of us want students who are independent thinkers, problem-solvers, and self-directed learners.  HSE21 recognizes that our students are competing in the world economy and must be ready to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.  Our instruction should not prepare our students for yesterday or even for today.  Preparing students for a changing world requires that we provide instruction to prepare our students for the world of tomorrow. 
    Our Challenge and Obligation:
    Preparing our students today for the
    world of tomorrow....
  • Our Testing Reality: The new assessments that you hear so much about are very different than the “old” standardized tests.  The new assessments are designed to measure much more than memorization of facts.  They require problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis.  In other words, for students to be successful on the new high-stakes assessments, they will need a new type of instruction.  This is exactly what HSE21 provides.
Together, we are moving in the right direction and on the right journey.

Have a great week, HSE.

Your HSE Teaching and Learning Team
  • Jan Combs, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
  • Stephanie Loane, Director of Elementary Education
  • Tom Bell, Director of Special Education
  • Jeff Harrison, Director of Educational Technology
  • Phil Lederach, Director of Secondary Education
The heart of HSE21....

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