Friday, December 11, 2015

The Alarm Clock

In the face of the daily grind, it can be difficult to maintain the passion for your profession.  This week’s entry comes from Bev Smith-Redmond, our Director of School and Community Relations.  She shares her routine for focusing and maintaining her energies.

From Bev: Taking Care of Others Starts with Taking Care of Yourself

The alarm goes off between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. every day.  With a swipe to my cell phone screen, on a good day I can delay the inevitable until 5:45 a.m., but that is rarely the case.  Having worked in school administration and communications for the past 16 years, no two days are the same. I am one of the lucky ones.  My career brings me joy. Helping people connect is my passion. Public education is the arena in which I have been gifted the space to work.

However, in the busiest moments, my vision can become cloudy when solely looking at my days as a to-do list rather than sets of interconnected opportunities. A new phone call, a Tweet, an e-mail, an article, a photograph all vie, sometimes simultaneously, for attention at any moment. Work often comes in grandiose doses. In my experience, the days, weeks, semesters and school years can pass without consciously taking time to focus and refuel. As a result, I am learning to safeguard my professional passion.

Bev argues that you should prepare yourself for this journey.
I start my day quietly and purposefully.

Before checking in with the world, I connect with me. Who am I? Why do I do what I do? My goal—and I’m still a work in progress—is to recharge daily, even if for only a few moments.

Each morning, I attempt to listen first and list tasks second. Getting back in sync is not always easy, so simplicity works best. It could be the sound bites of a poem or devotion that connects me as I iron my clothes. Sometimes, I don my ear buds and stream my favorite podcast while I eat my Chocolate Chex, or swap professional encouragements and ideas with my mentors by text.  My car has become my rolling fortress where I rehearse affirmations or lessons gleaned from articles or conversations. In a pinch, I have even been known to turn up my playlist and just jam because I only have five minutes.

Recharge Your Batteries Wherever You Can

This week, I struck gold with some retro You Tube clips from famed television mogul, humanitarian, and master teacher Oprah Winfrey. In my profession, I cannot think of anyone who has shone more brightly as a source of inspiration. I chose two videos: the 2015 “Harry’s Last Lecture” on a Meaningful Life at Stanford University and Oprah’s farewell address in closing the famed Oprah Show after 25 years.

Oprah has many useful nuggets in these videos, but two of her challenges stood out for me:
  1. Would you rather be right or be happy?
  2. Find your passion and run after it!
Admittedly, number one requires much more introspection. But, item two is where I proudly stand, fulfilled and ready to run!

It snowed during Bev's wedding!

Respond to Bev Smith-Redmond at  (and don't forget to congratulate her on her recent marriage).

Have a great week, HSE!

Your HSE Teaching and Learning Team
  • Jan Combs, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
  • Stephanie Loane, Director of Elementary Education
  • Tom Bell, Director of Special Education
  • Jeff Harrison, Director of Educational Technology
  • Phil Lederach, Director of Secondary Education


  1. Thank you Bev, for that beautiful reminder. Congrats on your recent marraige. I had a professor at UC who used to always say to us, "Do what you love, and the money will follow." Yes, teaching does not pay as other fields, but when you are doing what you love, a part of your soul is nourished -- and there is no price tag you can put on that. Thank you again for sharing.

  2. Congratulations on your marriage! Thank you for sharing! I too utilize my car for my daily introspection on my hour long commute. Gotta love Oprah! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing! It's always a good thing to remind ourselves we need time for ourselves. I find that I exercise in the morning now and that is my time. My time to refuel, to not think (except how I hate the fitness instructor and how in the world I'm supposed to do that move), and just be with me. Thanks for that reminder! Also - congrats on the wedding. I got married in December in Cleveland - 30 years this month. So, needless to say - it snowed on my wedding day as well (actually a snow storm!). :)
